Clarence (Lance) Gravlee holds a Ph.D. in anthropology and has postdoctoral training in public health and community-based participatory research. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Florida and offers training and consulting services in qualitative and mixed-methods social research through Q2 Insight.

Beyond his academic work, Dr. Gravlee has taught workshops in the systematic analysis of qualitative data for more than a decade. From 2005 to 2011, he was co-instructor (with Gery Ryan and Amber Wutich) of an intensive, five-day course on text analysis, supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation. He has taught one- and two-day workshops on research methods at professional conferences and universities in North America, Europe, and the Caribbean.

Dr. Gravlee is co-editor (with H. Russell Bernard) of the Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology, Second Edition, and has published widely in journals such as American AnthropologistCurrent Anthropology, International Journal of Social Research Methods, Field Methods, Social ForcesAmerican Journal of Public Health, and Annual Review of Anthropology.